SJGES Media Center
All Students can access eBooks 💻 from the school library by following the directions below:
1. Log into Clever
2. Click on Follett
3. Click on "your school"
4. On the left side, click Destiny Discover
5. In the top right corner, click Log In
6. Students will use the beginning part of their email as the username (ex. abcwxy2345) and their network password as the password. These can be found on your index cards.
7. Students can access Lightbox books or eBooks from here.
8. Lightbox books can’t be checked out online, and can be opened for reading.
9. You have two options for eBooks - you can “open” and just read it, OR you can “check out” the eBook. If you choose “check out”, you will need to log back in to “return” it so others can check it out. To view the catalog, click on the words
"SJGE Follett Online Catalog"